Sunday, September 29, 2013

Weekly blog post 6

I have come to realize that the plans you make for your teaching can change so quickly. I plan my lessons the week before I teach them. During the middle of the week I find myself changing or tweaking my lessons. Sometimes I feel like my students do not understand the information as much as I would like and feel like I should not move on to the next steps until they fully understand the first steps. I have also gotten to the middle of the week and thought I was holding them back from their learning and I needed to speed things up. I have been having trouble with assessing my students. I feel like I need to take more time with my students individually on their learning to assess what they know. I try to call on my students individually to see if they comprehend the information but I think that sometimes their answers are not always one hundred percent accurate. Sometimes other students will whisper answers to them and other times I think my students might know the answer but are too afraid to say it aloud. My teacher keeps a clip board with cards of each student’s name and will write down things that they can and cannot do. I like this method but I feel like there are always students we miss, especially our higher level learners. I am going to try to write something about each child once a week. I noticed that my students have been getting bored with our morning message. They have been getting more chatty and restless during our morning routine. I have decided to change our routine a little by creating some more activities. I have tried to keep them active and interesting. I think that the end of last week’s morning routine went better than the beginning of the weeks before I changed it. I am feeling very comfortable with my students and my classroom. I am picking up on so many great ideas and strategies that I feel like I will use in the future!

1 comment:

  1. The changes and adjustments you're making are exactly what SHOULD be happening. Teaching is reacting to your students and making necessary changes--if you're not doing that, then something's wrong! The way you're thinking about morning routines and adjusting is important and it's important that you realize their behavior is a reaction to their boredom (most times, anyway). Student engagement is the key to everything else, and it takes a combination of teacher behavior, content, and delivery to make it happen.
