Saturday, September 7, 2013

Chapter 3 Reflection

When I think about data I get very overwhelmed. I find data difficult to read and decipher. I never understand what kind of data I should be using and what kind if data Is appropriate. Interviews are data that I understand and can contribute without any problems. Some observational data is confusing but I generally understand. I have trouble deciding what data that I need to collect and use for my study. I think I have a difficult time understanding the difference between research data and assessment. Interview data can also be survey data. I never considered this before. I think that surveys are a good start to collecting data for your research. Table 3.2 gives some great data-collection tools. I think that I want to record a lot of teaching for data. I think that video recording is great evidence to support your data. Triangulation is your three sets of data, interview, artifacts, and observations. Although this covers much of your data it does not cover all. Triangulation makes your data and research trustworthy.


  1. Hi Jaclyn,
    What you say above makes sense. I think that research and assessment are often interchangeable--it depends on whether your research question invites you to assess something (your practice, a teaching strategy, etc.). Sometimes the research question is not about assessment but about describing something, changing something that has already been assessed, etc. Hope our data activity in class today helped a little with this. I am very confident that you will figure out how to get a strong data set for your question.

  2. I'm confident, too, but wish I could be more help. I should audit this course with you all...
