Monday, September 30, 2013

Blog Weekly Post 7 - Monday

After my lesson today my teacher began to take over to start her lesson. As we transitioned into her teaching I noticed how well she spots off task children. In Kindergarten, every other second it seems like a child is off task or paying no attention. My teacher is really good at keeping all the students’ attention the whole time she teaches. I have noticed that I am so concerned about teaching my lesson and what I need to do next that I have trouble managing my students’ behavior. I feel like I am constantly correcting or trying to manage a certain student or twos attention and I feel like I am taking away from my other students. I also feel like when I go to correct a student’s behavior I must stop my lesson to do so and I am losing my on task students attention. Is this a skill that comes with time when teaching? Am I not paying enough attention to off task behavior during my lesson? I know that no class is going to be perfect but is there a way to grab every student’s attention. I then start to question my ability to grab my student’s attention. Am I planning exciting enough lessons that my students want to learn and participate in.

1 comment:

  1. I think you do a great job of keeping their attention--if anything, you worry too much about having everyone's attention all the time. They're 5--it happens. I'm bad about not being able to overlook the little things. The key is to keep the engagement of the others and keep the lesson going. If you stop every time, no one has a flow of what's going on, including you! You're too hard on yourself--you're doing great!
