Monday, August 26, 2013

Chapter 2 Action Research Reflection

I thought that the Exploring your school context: listening to your setting section was very intriguing and enlightening. I agreed with the statement that the most difficult phase is moving from a broad concern to a more focused question appropriate for a certain task. I seem to have a broad idea of what I would like to research but narrowing down my options to one question to research is very difficult for me. I have many personal concerns that I feel like I could address but do not know if there is a study that I could formulate. I feel like I could sometimes personalize my objectives too much. I feel as if I should take a step back and look at the bigger picture. I choose Alex and Lauren to be my critical colleagues because they are familiar with my teaching styles and the setting of where my teaching takes place. They are both placed in a Kindergarten classroom this semester and will be on similar pace as mine. I can confide in them both and trust that they will be honest with my research. When considering different strategies to use in my research I like to consider the strategies that worked best for me in my own learning. I would like to consider seeing if these strategies work best for everyone or just me. I sometimes find it difficult to use articles to find information about my research. I always feel like the articles relate but are not always exactly what I need. I am not sure if this means I need to refine my questions or maybe they need to be broadened.

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