Monday, November 4, 2013

Blog Weekly Post 10

Last week I began to become frustrated with my research. I am not sure what steps to take with the progression of my students. I find the book difficult to understand and to relate what I read to my students learning. I am not used to reading something from a book and implementing into the classroom. I feel like I am not confident in my research and that it will take a much longer time span of implementation before you begin to recognize real results. My teacher and I discussed today how we are starting to think our students are not developmentally ready to implement these learning’s with our students. I am beginning to feel like the students are getting very comfortable with me and are not afraid to disrupt or misbehave. I can tell a major difference between when I teach and when my teacher teaches. I do not know if my students feel I will not discipline or if they do not realize that I am not the main authority. They are not terrible and I am maintaining control, but I am noticing that they are getting a bit chattier.