Saturday, April 20, 2013

Inquiry Celebration

I found the Inquiry Celebration at Lakeview to be very beneficial and interesting. Last year, as a tutor, I felt like the Inquiry Celebration was overwhelming and made me nervous for the upcoming years. Now that I have been participating in my own inquiry and have a better understanding of the idea I found this celebration to be enlightening. I have learned so much over the last year about my own teaching style and the things that I am interested in studying with my own students.

At this years celebration I was scheduled to be in Seminar room one for both of the morning sessions. I was really interested in watching the presentations about early childhood inquiries. During the first morning session we were presented with three unique and interesting research presentations. The first presentation was about Kindergarten students using their five senses to learn new ideas. The second presentation was about using movement to teach Kindergarteners mathematical concepts, like shapes. The last presentation was about using movement in a Pre Kindergarten classroom to better gross motor skills. These three presentations were very beneficial to me because I am placed into a Kindergarten classroom next Fall and was interested in how the Interns implemented their studies.

The second session was also very intriguing for me to witness. The first presenter implemented diversity into her Pre Kindergarten classroom. I found this unique to me because I am placed at North Elementary where our school community is very diverse. The last two presenters were geered more towards upper grade levels and dealt with integrating Social Studies and Science into the curriculum. I found all of these presentations to be rewarding to watch. These presentations make me excited for my student teaching next year!